A Publicity Company aims to ensure the best media attention for a product, service or company. However, it is challenging to stand out in a world filled with all kinds of advertising. And let your message get through. An LED Display is a very powerful instrument that lends itself perfectly for this purpose. The flexibility is great, especially with the emergence of the latest technologies. Every advertising message requires a unique approach. That’s why we want to discuss the following points:
- The location of the Display
- The size of the Display
- The type of content that will be shown
- Static or dynamic content
- Static or interactive content
- User integration
The location of the Display
Depending on the location, a choice will have to be made for the most suitable Display. Choosing the perfect location for the Display depends on many factors. Does the Display come into contact with the weather elements? Is the screen oriented to the southwest and will the sun often shine directly on it? The fact that this are important questions, is illustrated by this wonderful example: an LED display advertised a pizzeria in a city. By simply turning this screen 180°, this resulted in a significant increase in customers. The screen was initially aimed at shoppers going into the city and the pull is naturally higher when visitors have finished shopping. So, location is crucial.
The size of the Display
The size of the Display must also be carefully considered, because a screen with the wrong size will not give the desired impact. A simple LED display can suffice in an elevator, while a large, high-contrast and weather-resistant screen is required along the highway. Good advice from experts is highly recommended because there may be options that people have not yet considered. It is often thought that the larger the screen, the more attention it attracts. As a rule, this reasoning is correct, but there may be cheaper options that attract just as much, if not more, attention. For example, there are round screens, so that curiosity is already aroused because only part of the image can be seen, and a visitor still wants to see everything. Apart from the fact that this type of screen already attracts the necessary attention because of its unique shape.
Het type content dat vertoond gaat worden
Dit wordt vooral bepaald door de doelgroep waaraan deze zal worden vertoond. Maar ook door eventuele regelgeving die van toepassing is. Wat doelgroepen betreft zullen voor de jeugd snel wisselende beelden het meest effectief zijn. Terwijl voor de ouderen stilstaande of langzaam bewegende beelden beter geschikt zijn. De content moet bovendien in overeenstemming zijn met het type scherm. Staat er tekst en moet deze over een grotere afstand leesbaar zijn? En is de bezoeker in de gelegenheid om stil te gaan staan en de reclame even rustig te bekijken of is de bezoeker een autobestuurder? Er zijn bijzonder veel mogelijkheden en het is sterk aan te raden vooraf alle opties te bespreken en te kijken wat het meest geschikt is.
![Publicity Led Display](https://www.megalux.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Megalux_Publicity.jpg)
Static or dynamic content
Static content is advertising messages that remain unchanged for a predetermined period of time. For example, you sometimes still see this type of content in bus shelters where paper advertisements are on a large roll that rotates every 10 seconds to show the next advertisement. A technique that is now somewhat outdated. Dynamic content has a much greater return due to its flexibility. This way you can make your message quickly and clearly visible on specific days and times. A good example is advertising for a catering wholesaler; Early in the morning you advertise coffee, around noon you advertise tasty sandwiches and towards the end of the day you advertise beer. And this way you can offer flexibility in your message without effort.
Static or interactive content
The superlative step is Interactive content. This is the cream of the crop. This is already being experimented with in the US. For example, the American car brand GMC devised an interactive campaign based on interaction with the public. With techniques such as facial analysis and behavioral detection, in combination with Digital screens, a great interactive campaign was devised. https://youtu.be/VEJs8puLPX0
These are real attention grabbers and, in the future, we will see more and more of this type of advertising because it interacts with the individual in this way.
This keeps the attention a lot longer. The viewer is amazed and wants to see more. And the longer a viewer lingers, the better.
User integration
User Integration means the link between the passer-by and the Display by means of his/her mobile phone. This is also known as Remarketing. This technique is in full development and is still largely in the Beta phase but has already proven to be very effective. It works as follows: an LED Display is connected to the internet and via special software this Display has numerous advertising messages “ready”. When the right passer-by passes by, the right advertisement is shown. This passer-by has shown interest in a certain product some time ago and the advertiser also carries this product in its range. When the passer-by comes close to the Display, it is recognized, and the relevant advertisement will be shown immediately. The surprise effect is great and the chance of sales is significantly increased with this technique.
Whether you’re stuck between other commuters on the highway or walking through the center of a city. It’s hard to miss the impressive, creative messages of our LED Displays. Thanks to the latest techniques, the possibilities for targeted engagement have grown enormously. Quality and reliability are of great importance. Digital Displays must be able to run 24/7, all year round. You must be able to trust that your message can continue to run unhindered. The LED Displays from Megalux have proven to be particularly reliable.
Megalux offers you Led Display applications for indoor and outdoor. From large to small. From special curved or transparent solutions to super fine HD-pitch Indoor applications. And special window applications. Together with our extensive international partner network, we can take care of the entire process for you; from design, technical implementation, installation, and assembly to monitoring and, if necessary, maintenance. We can also take the worry of financing off your hands with our Lease and “LED as a service” propositions.
At Megalux we provide the Publicity sector with suitable solutions for their specific situation. Striking or restrained. Curious? Feel free to contact us!
Megalux, visualizing your business.
![Led Scherm of video wall van megalux](https://www.megalux.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Megalux_Publicity-1200x1500px.jpg)
We show you some great examples. The possibilities are endless.
We’d love to call you to tell you more about it!
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